This inspiring talk embraces the subject of the emerging Circular Economy and Circular Business Innovation. Pernilla Dahlman is an executive leader with a background in innovation management and sustainability.
Read MoreLisa Olsson, Head of Innovation and Transformation at Helsingborg City, will share how her organisation worked with culture, structure and organisational capabilities to promote innovation at all levels.
Read More2021 was the first time ever to hand out the prize to celebrate the Innovation Profession Role. Congratulation to the winner of the award Årets Innovationsledare, Lisa Olsson, Helsingborgs stad.
>> See the recorded ceremony and conference here.
Read MoreLet’s say your company is acing your current business. However, you know you need to innovate, and you understand you cannot cost-cut yourself into the future. You need to embrace a culture of rapid experimentation, failure, learning and adaptation when exploring ideas for the coming years and decades.
Read MoreAtt tidigt kunna testa och utvärdera en idé ökar innovationstempot, minskar risker och effektiviserar produkt-, process- och metodutveckling. Detta möjliggörs bland annat genom öppna testmiljöer sk testbäddar, där företag får stöd att validera alla steg, från idé till produktion.
Read MoreLarge corporations tend to be excellent at incremental innovation. However, most struggle with what comes next, with disruptive innovations, new business models, or even innovations based on technology new to a particular organisation
Read MoreWhy is it important for IKEA to harness the power of togetherness in innovation? What ways of working, tools, and methods are they using to include tens of thousands of people in the innovation process? Learn how IKEA democratizes innovation by opening up for the many creative co-workers and customers!
Read MoreWith the Innovation Leader of the Year award, Innovationsledarna, RISE och Vinnova, wants to inspire, draw attention to and make visible innovation leaders (individuals) who have created ability and value, and contributed to clarifying and building the profession. Nominate Your Candidate that meet the criteria here:
Read MoreOmvärldsförändringar ställer hela tiden ökade krav på verksamheters förändringsförmåga. Det gör att det börjar bli alltmer vedertaget att jobba på ett strukturerat sätt för ökad innovationsförmåga och fler och fler använder den relativt nya ISO-standarden 56002, som ett ramverk och en hjälp.
Read MoreKonferens: Varför är innovationsledning en förutsättning för hållbar omställning?
Innovationsledarna har jobbat samarbetat med RISE och Vinnova med utnämningen till Årets Innovationsledarna och nomineringarna kommer att presenteras under konferensen.
How can Innovation Management work lead to higher Sustainability?
Keynote speaker Ingemar Jansson, is one of Sweden's leading experts in Digital Sustainability.and will share clarity on important Sustainability drivers and deliverables..
Read MoreWelcome to Innovationsledarnas Annual Meeting! During the meeting, Stefan Vlachos, the Head of the Center of Innovation at Karolinska University Hospital, will have a talk about the future of healthcare. Book the Date for April, 13:th!
Read MoreVad krävs för att leda och bedriva innovationsfrämjande insatser i en stor organisation med stark kultur och stora samhällsutmaningar? Simon Nilsson utvecklar innovativa lösningar i ett traditionellt system på Region Gävleborg.
Read MoreOn Friday, February 26th the first meeting for the newly created Thematic Meeting Group "Innovation Management for Sustainable Development" will take place. Join this group, where we will discuss and collaborate on specific innovation management issues, challenges, and opportunities related to sustainable development.
Read MoreThis second TMG Innovation Management and AI event will present and discuss Ericsson's global study on challenges and strategies for adopting AI in organizations and the role of innovation management in it.
Read MoreThe Thematic Group Innovation management in the public sector will have its next meeting on February 10:th. The group is focusing on being a place for knowledge exchange and joint coaching. How to overcome the major challenges for innovation management in the public sector?
Read MoreChoosing the correct KPIs for measuring innovation is necessary, but not always easy. You want to make sure you are doing enough of the right activities to reach your goals. In this workshop, we discuss the metrics around innovation KPIs. This meeting focuses on Innovation Capability, Going from Strategy to Practice, and how to measure Innovation.
Keynote speaker: Leif Rehnström, Hello Future, and Johan Frishammar, professor and author of Innovationsstark..
Michael Schön will share his experiences from Volvo Cars Innovation department with advanced engineering activities and Volvo Cars' next-generation high-performance autonomous drive car computer.
Read MoreWelcome to a Virtual Christmas Lunch for Members Dec 8!
We would like to invite you to an informal virtual Christmas lunch at Airmeet virtual event platform,. You will “sit by a table” of 4-8 people and then rotate once during the lunch. This is a great opportunity to meet with fellow innovation professionals and exchange experiences over nice food that you bring yourself.
Inspire the next generation of innovation leaders as a Mentor! Do you want to learn more about innovation and get insights from Innovationsledarna members? Apply as a Mentee! Application is open until December for the Innovationsledarna Mentoring Program, 2021. Don't miss the opportunity to be a part of it! Apply Now!
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