With member-driven meetings, we want to make it as easy as possible for you as an innovation leader to meet other members and others who are interested in innovation management in your area.
Read MoreMeet Mats Snäll, awarded the Innovation Leader of the Year 2022, for successfully leading the development of the Swedish covid vaccine passports during the pandemic. A panel will discuss digitalization as an enabler for innovation.
Read MoreWe will focus on strategies for operationalizing sustainability, fostering an innovation and sustainability culture, and addressing the challenges of developing products, services, and business models that help to achieve sustainability goals!
Read MoreJoin us at the annual meeting of Innovationsledarna followed by the members event Designing the future we want.
Read MoreThe work to develop an internationally agreed competency framework for innovation leaders and innovation management professionals will start in 2023.
Read MoreJoin this one-hour masterclass with global thought leader Gijs van Wulfen. He and his colleagues will share their insights in the field of Online Innovation.
Read MoreÄr du verksamhetschef, digitaliseringschef eller innovationsledare med ansvar för förändring? Kom och utforska denna fråga med oss och upplev ett “serious game” under innovationsdagarna i Lund 22 mars.
Read MoreInnovation Management & AI might seem like a mere set of buzzwords. However, those who know how vital this combination is will benefit from this Thematic Meeting Group.
Read MoreCreate joy and understanding of the standard for innovation management systems (ISO 56002) with the board game L'Année de l'Innovation.
Read MoreInnovation theater is any innovation initiative that is done to signal that innovation is happening but that doesn’t have a significant business impact. It's more of a show.
Read MoreThe purpose of the Thematic Meeting Group is to provide innovation leaders with a learning space for sharing experiences and supporting each other.
Read MoreThe Innovationsledarna Mentoring Program aims to strengthen the practice of innovation management by providing an easy structure to the empowerment of young professionals by matching them with experienced innovation leaders. As a member, join here!
Read MoreDuring this event, the authors of Sustainable Business Model Design, Henning Breuer and Lorenzo Massa, will unpack the 45 patterns for the design of next generation business models for sustainability.
Read MoreSo you have high innovation ambition, but your company strategy, culture and maybe even the level of digitization maturity are not really in line with it. The brilliant panel, Ivana von Proschwitz, Sandor Albrecht, Karin Gylin, and Elisabet Spross will discuss how we can give our innovation initiatives better traction when the organization's innovation maturity is not on our side.
Read MoreTMG meeting (online) themed “How can impact driven organisations and entrepreneurs be supported by a systematic approach as in an innovation management system?”
Read Moreinnova och RISE arrangerar tillsammans den årliga nationella konferensen ”Innovationsledning för hållbar systemomställning”. Denna gång med fokus på grön och digital omställning.
Priset för Årets Innovationsledare delas ut.
Read MoreVälkommen till en dialog om innovationsledning som verktyg för kommuner att klara både välfärdsuppdraget samt öka takten i omställningen till ”Smart hållbar stad”.
Read MoreNominera din kandidat till Årets innovationsledare 2022 senast 30 september! Innovationsledarna, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden och Vinnova vill med utmärkelsen inspirera, uppmärksamma och synliggöra innovationsledare (individer) som har skapat förmåga och värde, samt bidragit till att tydliggöra och bygga professionen. Priset på konferensen Innovationsledning för digital och grön omställning den 16 november.
Läs mer om priset och konferensen.
As part of the growing interest in Innovation Management across Sweden, Innovationsledarna - the national association for Innovation management, is now opening a node in the South region.
Read MoreWelcome to Innovationsledarna’s annual meeting, followed by a presentation and workshop at Amazon. Amir will unpack Amazon's peculiar, customer-centric approach to innovation and share examples of how Amazon has used technology to accelerate growth.
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