Thematic Meeting Groups
Join our thematic groups with common interests and challenges
Thematic Meeting Groups (TMG) have the purpose of knowledge and practices sharing in smaller groups with common interests and challenges. Each is facilitated by a group member and builds on the experiences of the members of the group.
Innovation management and AI
AI offers new opportunities for innovation management. From accelerating and scaling our work processes and tasks in innovation management, to embedding AI in products and services, and to our role in the face of market disruption, business model opportunities, and shifting paradigms.
In this group we want to explore and share tools, ideas and practices related to these themes.We might choose to later develop frameworks, tools, and guides which we can share with the wider community.
Contact Amir Elion or Olivia Beyhan.
Implementing an innovation management system
The purpose of the group is to share knowledge and experiences related to the implementation of innovation management systems in an organization.
Contact Ingrid Kihlander or Lukas Bard.
Innovation management for sustainable development
Innovation management is critical for organizations looking to drive sustainability transformation. Join this thematic meeting group as we explore the success factors for sustainable innovation management. We will discuss strategies for operationalizing sustainability, fostering an innovation and sustainability culture, and addressing the challenges of developing products, services, and business models that help to achieve sustainability goals. All are welcome to participate and contribute to the conversation!
Contact Theresa Berg or Thomas Kirkegaards.
Innovation leadership
The purpose of the Innovation Leadership group is to inspire insightful and sharing dialogue on the topic leadership in relation to innovation. This group aims to provide knowledge, share experiences and practical tools on how to better manage leadership challenges in everyday situations of a formal and informal innovation leader as well as discuss opportunities and challenges for innovation leaders of tomorrow.
Examples of some of the topics: developing competencies of innovation leadership, how to create a culture of innovation, how to overcome organizational blockages to innovation leadership and bringing innovation leadership to the management agenda.
Each event focus on providing practical tools and frameworks that can be applied by innovation leaders. Translating theory into practice is how we navigate the topic of innovation leadership. Our events may also include innovation leadership workshops at member events.
Anyone interested in the topic is welcome to participate, share experiences and contribute to the conversation.
Contact Caroline Palmstedt or Dan Lindgren.
Innovation management in the public sector
The group will have a couple of different directions: 1) function as support and a place for knowledge exchange and joint coaching; 2) discuss and formulate the major challenges for innovation in the public sector and which the group can address through networks or direct work; and 3) the differences/nuances in the professional role compared to private sector can be formulated in the group's work.
Contact Paula Fagerlund.