
Personal certification of innovation management professionals

The role of the Innovation Leader is to be responsible for and actively helping to lead and organize innovation efforts and promote the prerequisites and abilities to support innovation in all types of organizations – private or public, large or small, across all sectors, areas, and functions.

By ensuring the quality of people’s ability to lead for continuous innovation, innovation leaders get a clearer role and can get a bigger mandate in their organization. Personal certification is expected to lead to a professionalization of the Profession Innovation Manager, which in turn leads to professionalized innovation work in their organizations.

Innovationsledarna, as a professional association, will continue to be an important player in the ongoing work on updating and developing certification, partly through committee meetings with RISE, where the association has a representative and by continuously updating the theoretical content Body of Knowledge. Innovationsledarna will also work to propose and contribute to the recruitment of examiners. A good idea, therefore, is also to become a member of Innovationsledarna as an active professional, in order to influence the content and development for the common interest area of innovation management.

RISE is very pleased with this cooperation with Innovationsledarna and sees it as a way to contribute to the development and strengthening of Sweden’s innovation power by offering certification to a highly relevant professional group. The certification raises the innovation leadership role which is a very important professional group to achieve the necessary transformation and development in organizations for the future.



The certification process

The requirements for certification include:

-Minumum 3 years well-proven experience of innovation management
-Documented knowledge of innovation management (assignment (case), written and oral exam)

The certification is 5 years old. Annual reporting obligation is included.

Body of Knowledge (reading list)

More information in RISE

Application for the personal certification