Check out the Autumn Members Meeting!
Innovationsledarna has about 250 members from companies and other organizations in Sweden. Members come from private, public, and non-profit organizations of different sizes and from different sectors.
We meet each other at Member´s meetings four times a year to exchange experience, develop our profession, and gain knowledge. Innovationledarna is represented throughout the country via local nodes.
Innovationsledarna is present in all parts of Sweden, from north to south in what we call nodes. The node meetings are held 2-4 times per year where you have the opportunity to meet innovation leaders in your region. At the moment we have digital events from all nodes so that you can participate independently of your location.
4/11 What are the Critical Success Factors For Innovation?
Jens Egestrand Swisslog and Petter Jacobs from JSC IT-Partner will share successful Innovation examples and pitfalls. A workshop is led by Kristina Svenningsson, Crearum and Niclas Claesson, Innovation360.
The Member Meeting is arranged by Innovationsledarna East Sweden (Crearum), and is also a part of EAST SWEDEN INNOVATION WEEK 2 - 8 November 2020
Join the ZOOM-event at 10:00-11:30 AM.
Sign up here:
19/11 AI for Boards & Innovation Managers 9-11 AM
This meeting will focus on AI leadership and the changing demands for Board Competence and Innovation Managers.
The innovative futurist Fernanda Torre, and Liselotte Engstam, an experienced international leader will share knowledge about the project concerning how Boards can keep up with the rapid tech changes on the market.
Nina Bozic, Future of Work & Innovation Enabler, RISE will share knowledge about AI for Innovation Managers and the new Thematic Group AI for Innovation Managers.
Don’t miss this event.
Sign up here!
27/11 How does the forest industry compete with self-driving trucks, drones and AI?
How does the forest industry compete with self-driving trucks, drones and AI? by Nod Middle Sweden. Tanja Keisu, Head of Biometria Labs, talks about how new technology such as AI can be crucial industry benefit through data-driven innovation.. Arranged by Innovationsledarna Nod Middle.
Sign up here!
Earlier member’s meeting in Autumn 2020.
24/9 100 participated at the meeting How to Innovate Like Sharks with Stefan Engeseth
16/10 How do you work with Innovation Sprints, Co-Creation in a function procurement?
Carina Norman, verksamhetsutvecklare på Skellefteå kommun, berättar om arbetet med Innovationssprint för öppns innovations- upphandlingar. Resultatet är appen Todej. Det uppmärksammats nationellt av bland annat Upphandlingsmyndigheten.
Erik Ronne är vice president Open Innvovation på RISE ger goda råd för funktions- eller innovationsupphandling.
Piteå Science Park arrangerar. Mötet avslutas med en interaktiv del.