
We support you as innovation leader

The job as an innovation leader is inspiring and developing, but breaking new ground always involves challenges. Lack of awareness and unclear roles and mandates can do the job tough and lonely.

Innovationledarna is a nonprofit organization exclusively for professional innovation leaders and among our members, you will find like-minded. The objective is to jointly enhance, highlight and legitimize the profession and discipline in order to increase the innovation power. Innovationsledarna will help you strengthen the argument for your role and the resources you need. We discuss the issues involved to drive innovation and share knowledge and experiences in order to become more efficient. You will also receive guidance in how you can develop your profession, skills and career.

We are committed to the innovation leader as key role in companies, organizations and society.



Get help secure your innovative capacity

Most managers agree that innovation is one of the most important activities to reach business goals, today and for the future. As decision-maker you can choose whether innovation will be reactive and ad-hoc or proactive and systematic. If you choose the latter, you need people who can professionally manage the work – you need an innovation leader.

Innovationsledarna is a nonprofit organization exclusively for professional innovation leaders and this allows you as a manager to gain knowledge and experience on systematic innovation efforts and its roles and responsibilities. You will also receive guidance on how to recruit and develop innovation leaders in your organization.

Proactive managers are crucial to ensuring innovation in businesses and organizations. Your responsibility is to invest in innovation leaders, both research and experience shows that it pays off.


To Decision Makers

Most decision-makers in politics and society have the issue of how we create an innovation capacity in Sweden on their agenda.

Innovationsledarna is a nonprofit organization exclusively for professional innovation leaders, and this allows you to gain knowledge and experience on systematic innovation, and its roles and responsibilities. The association provides a unique opportunity for you as a decision maker to gain understanding and dialogue on how innovation is managed in companies and organizations in the private, public and None Governmental sphere. With basis in the experience of our members, we are a driver for  relevant issues for developing innovation capacity in Sweden. We do this by contributing to decisions support and referrals, and by spreading the collective knowledge and good examples.

Sweden needs innovation leaders as a profession and innovation management as a discipline.
